Harry potter love potion fanfiction. net account: lolagirl ) Harry is happily dating Ginny.
Harry potter love potion fanfiction She tries her hand at potion making, what are the concequences for the drinker. He secretly came up to watch Harry, as he practiced. " "What happens when the potion wears off?" Alice He'd developed feelings for Hermione last year. Archived post. There was a moment of silence whilst Harry's question was considered before Ginny spoke up. Despite her experience with the ministry and Umbridge, she still regarded Dumbledore as a trust-worthy figure of authority. Ron and Harry sat at their usual seats at the back of the class, but Hermione, however, had chosen to sit near the front to be as far away from Ron as she could possibly be without going through the wall. As Draco was walking to Potions, he couldn't help but notice Harry yelling at Ginny. Amos Diggory liked her! Her FanFiction | unleash Knowing that Romilda is trying to use a Love Potion on him, Harry decides to play along. " Hermione's Love Potion. That's what she'd do. He was no longer in denial; he was falling for Harry Potter. author's note: An explanation to those on dA and maybe a few others who know me and question the pairing. " Chapter 1; Freedom. He started to suspect when it became clear there was also something wrong with Albus. She'd make a love potion. net account: lolagirl ) Harry is happily dating Ginny. It was worse with him. Own. Follow/Fav Love Potion. Top. So mote it be. She had been sure Malfoy would have given Harry up, Harry who had been his enemy at school, who had repeatedly outwitted and embarrassed him and had gotten in the way of Malfoy's mission to eliminate Dumbledore. Harry caught him summoning and killing mice in the shed. "But it will only last for 2 weeks. Harry is in love with Severus Snape, and gets him. Minor - well maybe major Ginny, Ron and Dumbledore Bashing. Ensnaring the senses, enthralling the mind. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P. As I said I only had a very small dose. A fluffy and angst filled Dramione story. Amortentia Potion (Harry Potter) Love Potion/Spell; Romance; Potions Accident; Wooing; Bad Flirting; Fluff; Public Display of Affection; Language: English Stats: Published: Hermione and Draco accidentally fall under the influence of the strongest love potion. "Let put it in a familiar vernacular for you, if it was muggle tranquiliser, Harry has enough in his system to knock out an elephant. Potter. He knew it. It is a partial AU, where book 6 did happen, but Dumbledore was only wounded, and didn't die. Harry and Hermione meet the Goddess of Love, and she offers to let them go back in time. - Chapters: 15 - Words: "That's because it wasn't just a love potion," said Daphne, staring at her feet again. He needed to meet his two goons. "Are you doing-" "Bloody hell, woman!" Fred shouted as he began wiping furiously at the potion now covering his robes. , Romilda V. Her accusation that Harry knew nothing about love, didn't understand it, and would only embarrass himself by talking about it – that was what he was pondering. - Words: 1,917 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/7/2003 - Status: Complete - id: 1466461 ''Very powerful love potion,'' Harry whispered. " "But it has. "For 2 weeks, you'll have his heart, Miss Granger. " Peter took out two butterbeers and poured in one of the potions as he laughed to himself. Smash! Professor Snape turned on his heel so swiftly that his billowing black robes snapped as they swished. "Whatever you say Draco. He looked for an attorney to defend Ginny but to his surprise, nobody wanted to take the case. Eventually love potions would be renamed the liquid love imperius potion. She was surprised for two reasons: 1) she and Ron hadn't exactly been on speaking terms for weeks now, since he had begun 'dating' the beautiful and cloying Lavender Brown, and 2) he was wearing the stupidest look she had ever seen on his She thought back on what the potion's instructions said. "That looks nice. New comments cannot be posted. Ron quickly pulled the book back and scanned it, Harry doing the same next to him. will they compromise? warnings: boy x boy love notes: Ron is the one making the potion. Summery: The other girls are annoyed that James is concentrating solely on Lily. LOVE POTION. Harry Potter and Future's Past by DriftWood1965. Harry grinned broadly and shifted along the bench, opening a seat on the end for Draco and provoking gasps from the riveted students. Luna smiled dreamily, then shoved a scalpel into the reputations of three Weasleys: "The three recent Doormat potions in Harry Potter's body were keyed to Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley. Knew it would be. She wanted to shout, FanFiction | unleash You may have read fics in which Ron and Ginny attempt to Love Potion Harry and Hermione, but never quite like this. 20ml of crocodile tears. Crack. Hermione G/Voldemort/Tom Riddle Neville spills a love potion over Hermione, and based on how good we know Neville is at potions, I’m sure you can imagine that the consequences will be interesting. Harry liked that Daphne wasn't fawning all over him like other girls at Hogwarts, just for being the Chosen One. Maybe I should start at the beginning. (A) Help. Starts out the day after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry spied the pebble a split-second before it collided with his flask. Two, its in her seventh year at Hogwarts when Professor Snape won't be her teacher for much longer. 2 chopped bat spleens. No, I'll tell you, you'd find out eventually anyway. 1 size 2 golden cauldron. " "But – . , Hermione G. Lots of love, Aunt Porsha. Hairs or essence of the first love (Harry) 1 dove feather. Hermione frowned. "Crawford soon tried to find the spell to counter the curse after falling in love with one of his muggle servants. That means no using friends, family, or any other means to get to me or try to use love potion on me ever again. The water was hot now. Lily woke up and stretched before looking at her Harry wondered if the Weasleys had discovered she had been doused with a slow-acting poison he'd bought just for her, but he didn't care. The bottle tottered, then fell to the dungeon floor. Ginny and Ron Weasley have been dosing their respective partners with love potions. Story is unavailable for reading. Chapter 1: Draco Needs It was a typical sunny afternoon in late August. This will have some Weasley bashing, but it is tasteful. Certainly, she'd fantasised about making him grovel for all his wrong doings. "Don't give us that Romilda. Not solely based around love potions, but it does play A Cold and Broken Hallelujah by BrilliantLady Ginny had dreaded for years admitting to Harry that she’d been dosing him with love potions. His Love potion was keyed to Ginny Weasley-Potter. Chaos Ensues. ( Re-Posted from my fanfiction. Terms of Service. - Words: 4,542 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 11 - Published: 7/15/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6144142 Protective Harry Potter; Good Draco Malfoy; Hermione Granger is a Good Friend; Coming Out; Potions; Summary. When said love potion is ingested while interrogating a prisoner, all hell breaks loose. Deciding that the only way he'll start dating them again is if Lily is pissed off with him so much he'll NEVER get back in her good books they feed her a love potion xxXXxx. At breakfast, we need to put a few drops of the love potion in their pumpkin juice. Notes: This series explores the negative and problematic implications of love potions in the Harry Potter world. " Bang! A story in which Lord Voldemort is accidentally given a love potion meant for Bellatrix Lestrange, by none other than his faithful servant, Wormtail. But because of the potion, he'd given her essentially a drunk apology and in her own inebriated state she'd forgiven him far too quickly! "I can see why love potion is considered so dangerous. Don't. Once upon a time there was a prophecy that said only Harry Potter could defeat the Dark Lord. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Summary: Hermione Granger hated love potions. But Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters. Illegal yet amazing. " She said, pointing her wand at Romilda threateningly. My personal favorite is the Half-Blood Prince, and maybe cause of edits, I absolutely ache for those moments where we see Tom and Emma glance in each other's direction. FanFiction | unleash Harry finds the Half-Blood Prince's recipe for a powerful love potion. Shame it had to be used on such pests. She actually saved him from multiple love potions coming from other houses, especially Love Potion Poisoning - Stage Three - Potion (Ginny Weasley) Family Magic Limiter - Spell (Albus Dumbledor) Active Magical Core Syphon - Spell (Albus Dumbledor) Hermione and Draco are partnered up to brew a potion, and when Hermione accidentally brews a love potion and consumes it, she thinks that she is in love with Draco. And since when do you talk to Harry Potter? And since when has he ever taken notice of a Slytherin like me?' Daphne scoffed, as if the world-famous Harry Potter would take notice of people like her. He wouldn't do such a thing- I mean, it's bad enough he's making me partners with Potter!" Draco said. Potter was under the influence of a love potion. Yep she had what she needed. Harem. No record of a counter has been found however Crawford did reverse the charm. When Harry finds out the truth he has an A love potion with potentially dire consequences is accidentally born when Goody interferes with a spell Wednesday casts on Valentine’s Day. "I've been in love with Harry since I was 10! For the Dramione fans, who are addicted to fanfic and have to reimagine the movies as the rewatch them, this is for you. Surely the book had meant it would take until the full moon for the potion to fully come into effect? Oh well, Molly thought, that didn't really matter. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Harry P. Right now, Harry was on an airplane. "It was a strange, hybrid thing I've never seen before - part love potion, part compulsion draught. The glass vase was shaped like a butterfly and the liquid was a strange "Keep that up, and Prof. The trouble is that just before Christmas 1996, Harry decided to eat some chocolates laced with love potion. "What the hell-" "Clingy birds. Harry was a little weirded out by just how forgiving Lavender was of Ron's actions, even if he was under a love potion. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,160 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 7/6/2013 - Published: 3/30/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9152514 Harry Potter sighed and replaced his hand by his side, delving further into the room with a dull thumping of his shoes against the marble floor and a loud pounding of his heart in his ears. " In Harry's speech in front of the wizengamot, he explained that using a love potion was taking away a person's free will, which was like using the imperius curse. "Thank you, gentlemen. He helped his brothers with de-gnoming their garden, yelled at their attic ghoul to shut it, and even had to deal with giant spiders second year in order to find out information on the Chamber of Secrets (the last memory still haunted his memories). But, will Wednesday recover from the side effects Looking for fanfictions in wich harry or hermione discover ron and ginny were giving them love potions preferably sixth year and before. It was in the way he never said "I love you" in a way that seemed like he meant it. ," Pansy responded. ''Oh, bring her here then,'' the professor said, opening the door. Then she lifted up her hands and clasped them behind Ron's neck. Privacy. Strictly Harry and Hermione. . Non-Consensual Love Potion Use (Harry Potter) (102) Love Potion/Spell (32) Angst (16) Rape/Non-con Elements (9) Fluff (8) Hurt/Comfort (7) Dark Magic (7) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7) Alternate Universe (6) Hogwarts Sixth Year (6) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Terrifyingly Powerful. Snape is going to make you do a love potion," Pansy said. By: pygmypuff17. Exiting from the portrait in the common room, Draco made his way upstairs from the dungeon. Lemons. Hermione and Draco are alone on Valentine's Day, and someone has spiked the butterbeer with a love potion. But his response was something totally unexpected. This is a real recipe here, not really a potion just a home-made tea, don't drink if you allergic to any ingredients wonderful with splenda-----Seventh year at HogWarts would be the defying year for Ms Granger. This story was brought to you by Foreign Exchange: Other Magical Schools assignment, Hogwarts Sticker Album, Supermarket Sweep, Pop Figure Collections, What's Cooking, Mythology Club, Hogwarts Game Night Club, and Fun Food Frenzy on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ron was nearly killed. Hairs or essence of second love (Me) To be added in that order. We knew they were using them on us but we didn't know what they were putting them in or when. Cookies. Part 10 of Harry Potter Ships One Shots; Language: English Words: 4,634 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 "I know, Harry. , Draco M. Not Amortentia, of course, that potion caused an infatuation for the maker of the potion, and Lord Voldemort certainly hadn't been making any for Harry. As for the next potion Harry had found it in Granger's bag. So dangerous they're nearly Dark Magic. She didn't know how to feel about this apparently sincere display. "Yeah right, Pansy. Okay? Lol. Lily woke up and stretched before looking at her When Molly was in school, she made a Love Potion to try and get Arthur Weasley's attention. Like the love potions, they were in unbreakable bottles. Romilda Vane used a love potion on Harry, and walked away without a scratch. Disclaimer: not mine. Soul Bond - Time Travel "This is our newest product, a love potion called Aphroditus. "Hermione!" Hermione looked up, surprised, as Ron Weasley flopped down next to her on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. Disclaimer: I. Locked post. He resolves to do the noble thing: seduce every girl in the school. Harry. But such secrets can’t be kept quiet forever. - Words: 4,747 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER X PLEASE SUPPORT THE OFFICIAL RELEASE! Harry Potter smiled as the crowd packed into the After Romilda Vane has an accident while brewing a dangerously powerful love potion, she accidentally infects the entire castle. FanFiction | unleash A series of slice-of-life stories from the lives of Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass. " "We need to see McGonagall and find out if she knows the counter. This time it was Romilda's turn to smirk, "I have no idea what your talking about. She'd make a love potion that would make Harry forget all about the bushy haired girl and fall in love with her. One Love Potion. Once the door opened, Hermione manage to get out from Ron's grasp, rush past Harry and their professor and enter the room, anxious to see her lovely Cormac. I just get sick enjoyment out of borrowing them on weekends and placing them in situations that aren't real, but hey, that's what Fanfiction is for ;) Love Potion. By: Rainbow185. "I'm sorry, Hermione, I could have sworn you said contraceptive potion. " "This potion, once given to your target, would like you," George continued. Ginny didn't use love potion. Since Dumbledore had lost any hope of gaining Slughorn's memory of Tom Riddle, he summoned Harry to explain what he had theorised about Voldemort's immortality plan, even going so far as suggesting that Moldy Voldie was obsessed with the number seven. Now it's up to the two of them to find an antidote before the potion takes over Snape's mind and drives him to regrettable While finding they were given love potions by Ron and Ginny was not a great surprise by now, finding that Dumbledore was using loyalty potion on Harry was quite a shock, especially for Hermione. What if Harry had been dosed with love potions? What if he found out, and what if he went to the friend that stood by him no matter what? The friend that would do anything to help their friend. At midnight that evening, Molly slipped out of her dormitory, cauldron in hand, and went down to the Common Room. Now she had asked him to Slughorn's Christmas party. She opened the gift to find a bottle of a strange looking potion. Ron choked on his pumpkin juice. But he was considering botching the whole damn thing. They both go to Australia to find her parents. Then he collected the rest of the love potion, stored it in a tightly sealed bottle and levitated his cauldron away. We know about the love potion. He was always up here watching the Gryffindor Quidditch practices. " But she'd given him the potion only yesterday. But once the potion wears off, it is up to fate whether he'll still love you or not. "Mr. Ron grew up seeing and hearing many strange things, being the youngest son of a wizard family. But Harry believed none of it. Besides she wasn't even pretty. Harry and I are in love. Harry had once again just finished worshiping the porcelain god, that was renamed a toilet. Why? Maybe because Draco Malfoy was chasing after her, demanding-yes demanding that she be his for all eternity. In her deepest fantasies, she pretended that in a perfect world Harry would have been hers and Sev's and not some product of a love potion. He watched Harry until the young man stopped and flew down to the ground. " Harry said, before turning to their sister, "Gineva, your debt; you will stay away from me for the rest of your life, I want nothing more to do with you. There was a foreign air about the Great Hall, one he hadn't recognized before this day and wasn't positive it had ever been there before. Instead of falling for Ron, Harry falls for Snape! Madness and love triangles ensue but. He then spent all of his time with his potions princess, falling further and further in thrall to her. "Yes, perfect. Snape in turn believes that Harry is under the influence of a love potion and attempts to identify and cure it. He knew that. Hermione harbors unrequited feelings for Harry and takes matters into her own hands. "Oh no, I'm so sorry," Hermione exclaimed as she rushed into the workroom of the twins joke shop. Heavy Weasley/Dumbledore bashing. And what he found intrigued him. However they would enter the party as acquaintances and leave as boyfriend and girlfriend. 'The decree demands that I not only teach the students how to brew a love potion, but also have to administer the potion to them without their knowledge, not only to determine its potency, but also, and I quote here from the text of the decree, "to show them the repercussions of such a potion in a controlled environment and under the supervision of adult wizards and witches. How far will she go to get him? What will Ginny have to do to save him? R&R RATED T JUST IN CASE Title: Love Potion summary: a love potion goes wrong. Draco was good at Potions. This is the story, obviously MollyArthur, but there's a bit of AlbusMInerva thrown in, too! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance - Arthur W. When she first saw him at the Burrow during his sixth year, she wanted so much to jump into his arms and snog him senseless. " She nodded miserably. While there are no explicit non-consensual scenes, past love potion induced liaisons are referred to. She makes a love potion with an unexpected kick, and when Snape intercepts it, Hermione's world becomes bitterly entangled with Snape's. Luna widened her charcoal grey eyes, looking more like an owl than before. Also, imagine the Harry/Ginny and Remus/Tonks things never happened, and Tonks was only depressed Peter Pettigrew took a potion from a cabinet. And now, I present to you, Harry Potter's Concubine Court! It was a late Saturday evening in the Gryffindor common room when Harry Potter discovered something that would change the course of his First part of two stories. "Dean, forget Potter - I don't want to know!" Harry's nose wrinkled. Potter, is that your potion?" "I love you, Hermioneand I thought, by getting you to have some of that potion, I'd hear you say the same thing to me" Hermione was caught speechless. Harry was not bothered so much that a love potion had been used on him – though he was quite upset about that as well – but he was bothered mostly by what Ginny had said. Slash and Mpreg, don't nlike don't read. Daphne thought that Harry wouldn't want to be friends with her because of her parents, but he surprised her when he said that he didn't care. When Harry Potter and Hermione Weasley realize their marriages were based on lies, how will they recover? Love Potion. Everyone realised then just how much trouble they could get in if they ever used a love potion. Hermione finds she was fed love potion as well. "She was trying to dose you with Love Potion! Why would you use a love potion on him? If he truly loved you, you wouldn't need to use this vile concoction. But how, if she hated him? His thoughts then strayed to the love potion stored in his trunk. A/N: not mine but my twisted ideal. Draco left his dorm feeling satisfied with the potion's outcome. Finished! At Hogwarts, Creek, an ambitious Slytherin, secretly alters an Amortentia potion to manipulate Branch, a brilliant Ravenclaw and the best friend of Poppy, a charismatic Gryffindor. It's The first in the series is Harry’s sad tale, while the second is Hermione’s tale of romance and revenge. Someone had managed, not to mention dared, to try and influence their hero, their champion for the Light, and something had to be done, immediately. In my opinion (but feel free to disagree) the real issue with Harry Potter fanfiction is not the writers creating Potion classes with Snape were as dreadful as usual, and Harry began to wonder how the morning had started out so happy and joyous. However Ginny wants our Hero. He was detecting a strange stench which, having lived in a dormitory full of teenage boys for years, he did know - he just didn't know how it applied to this Draco demanded, dropping his bag. (Harry Potter's POV) Love potions. Harry and Ron gave the professor an apologetic look. Hermione gives Draco a love potion to cobvince him to love her in hope to find out if he's a deatheater or not for the Order, but what happens when she accidentally really falls for him. I was going to get a potion. Oneshot. As you know from Slughorn's class, a love potion will make them fall in love even more, and it'll also make them want to admit that they're in love to each other. One, Brianna's one-hundred years old. BY SuperG. You must still be under the influence of the potion. "Okay, I think I can guess where you're going here. Title: Love Potion. " Hermione paled as the healer continued. The reason I reacted so violently to it was that the potion was designed to make me fall in love with you. Love Potions. Join Romilda Vane and her friends on ways to stalk Harry Potter (HBP) Just another little fun fanfiction I thought of. , Daphne G. " Fred gave it to Hermione. There was something off about James Sirius Potter, but Harry didn't know what. All we knew was that like clockwork, at the beginning of every month Hermione was madly in love with Ron and I was madly in love with Ginny. " This was not the meek and obedient Harry Potter they were used to dealing with, and Dark Art rituals, spells, and potions was what immediately sprung into everyone's mind. Amortentia Potion (Harry Potter) (1458) Fluff (388) Love Potion/Spell (205) FanFiction | unleash She remembered Malfoy being there and being ordered to identify a heavily disfigured Harry Potter. While Harry and Fleur were treated to breakfast/lunch in the vault Hermione was having her test results explained to her by Bareblade. Let me know what you think I will change the rating latter. Mr Potter, however, is very protective of you and had I not given him a potion, I would have feared for Mr Weasley's life. Black's idea will work out well. "I don't?" he said, surprised. He looked back into Potter's eyes, using the eye contact to search through Potter's mind. It's perfect. " He eagerly searched for another potion and held it and smirked. Apparently, this trope has been written before: Harry and Hermione discover they have been spiked with love potion over the course of years. They were a dark turquoise in Then he collected the rest of the love potion, stored it in a tightly sealed bottle and levitated his cauldron away. A/N: I'm sick of reading stories where Ginny feeds Harry a love potion to make him love her, so here's a love potion story with a bit of a twist. Consequences of a Love Potion. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 30,473 - Reviews: 387 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 6/13/2004 - Published: 8/21/2003 - id: 1487023 Love Potion. Notes: This was the first Dramione fanfiction I started writing, and I've only finished it now, after writing four Love Potion "Fred?" Hermione called through the closed door before walking on in. "You know, RonI really don't think you need a Love Potion for me to say it," she said softly. " Hermione swished her wand and Ron's name was added to the suspect list with near death by love potion listed as his motive. , Molly W. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,026 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 4/26/2013 - Published: 10/21/2012 - id: 8629705 + Maybe I should start at the beginning. He needed to be with her. "As the moon grows, so will this person's love for you. A " Her voice dropped to the merest hint of a whisper as she mumbled something. But what if she didn't? What if she had to see the Headmaster and explain why she spiked some food and Harry comes to Snape and confesses to being in love with him. He then poured a second potion in them. Your behaviour in the hallway suggested a very powerful love potion which could not have worn off so quickly. She had discovered that the potion needed to be boiled for five minutes over a fire, and the only place she would find a fireplace was the Common Room, and the only time she could do it without being laughed at was in the middle of the night. "So now I'm a suspect?" Ron huffed. Some mature scenes. Potter's Indifference potion was keyed to Hermione Weasley. As another war approaches, will he find a way to create a bond with Hermione or will he only ever be left reeling about a relationship he had experienced many years ago? She had grown a great Follow/Fav Love Potions. "There was that whole love potion incident. Combine that with a love sick Ron Weasley and the chaos unfolds in Hogwarts. She seemed to be regretting her decision. She saved her life all the time and that's what heros are supposed to do, not fall in love with their best friend. The man who won her heart. But as we all know Romilda Vane wants Harry for herself. once the potion wears off, will Harry choose Ron or Snape? Or. His wand was in hand, deftly pointing at the purple puddle beside Harry's desk. " Draco muttered, installing himself next to Harry and promptly stealing half of the kippers on Harry's plate. Now Harry Potter must survive in a castle full of horny women that would like nothing better than to ravage him. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only Harry Potter is in love with Hermione Granger and he is scared to tell her. SMUT Lemons Harry/Multi As much as she wished she could walk away, Lily might not have an ounce of respect for James Potter but she did love Harry he was her reason to live now. "It seems, Miss Granger, that you were the victim of a love potion" Before he could finish Hermione interrupted him by exclaiming, "I knew it! I couldn't have betrayed Harry unless something had been done to me!" A love potion, the reason why she isn't with her beloved, Harry Potter. ray id: php-api "Once, the potion is done, we'll launch our plan. Harry finds his true love, after finding out his love for Ginny was potion-made. He looked over at her. Draco and Harry work together and have to take a shared touch potion, but it doesn't ware off as quickly as it is supposed to Series. Even though Voldemort's mother used Love Potion on his father, and it ended up as horribly as realistically expected, they still don't really explore it. A special potion. But then again he'd rather sabotage Potters. He had a person to meet. When Severus Snape finds that Hermione Granger has been appointed as his apprentice, he is left raging. ½ a gram of fairy dust. Now done. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Hermione G. As far as he was concerned they deserved to pay the price. " After he had been woken up Hermione and the others begin to explain how Ginny was using love potion on him. Hey everyone. He was her everything. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Books Harry Potter. so he makes her a love potion and then things go wrong Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance - Harry P. Mr. " "It was my Mum's idea!" Ginny broke down, crying for real. rco uihhn cdguv gbht ycttltd ngq rutc tzbfljvz tqablk xemxk xjk jrmuot swtk ksuezm dybr