Hernando county courthouse. Phone: 662-469-8359; Amy Young, Administrator.

Hernando county courthouse. except, Every 3rd Wednesday the office will open @ 9:00 a.

Hernando county courthouse Main Office 20 N. Please select a County in the dropdown below, and click the "Go" button to access the appropriate site. Office Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM Monday – Friday 352-754-4201 (Main Correspondence Location) Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller. Public Information Officer Dominique Holmes The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. Getting Started with Zoom The Office of Court Administration advises users new to Zoom to watch these videos and review Getting Started Resources b efore getting started with Zoom. Please use the following emails: Jury Civil – dcbcivil@circuit5. The location is ideal to start or expand a business. Line Item Type/Length Values; UTC: Varchar[20] Unified Traffic Citation Number: Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the BETA Club and the National Honor Society. and Jeffery K. The Clerk processing fee of $35. All online access to court records is governed under the provisions set forth in Florida AOSC 16-107. After the Official Swearing-In Ceremony, Clerk & Comptroller Crist re-deputized the Hernando County Courthouse 20 N. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 This option allows for Party Access to court records. 1 miles away Hernando County Courthouse 20 North Main Street Brooksville, Florida 34601 (352) 540-6274 HernandoFamilySelfHelp@circuit5. The Hernando County Property Appraiser's office, furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this public information data. The Administrators of the DeSoto County Circuit Court are Amy Young and Suzanne Lowrie. For example, you can instantly order Official Records Hernando County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, gender, orientation, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, pregnancy, disability, or any other protected characteristic as defined by law. Hernando County. Brooksville, FL 34604 Office: (352) 540-6426 Cell: (352) 277-1069 DHolmes@HernandoCounty. 64 per hour (10% below if you have not passed the Florida Bar) CLOSE DATE: Open Until Filled. Circuit Clerk. gov. Mental Health. Hernando County, FL Board of County Commission; Building Division; Code Enforcement; Cooperative Extension Service; County Attorney; Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of The Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court in Brooksville, FL is a government office responsible for maintaining court records, processing legal documents, and overseeing various judicial functions within the county. Domestic Violence Injunctions; Forms; Citrus County; Hernando County; Lake County; Marion County; Sumter County; Careers. High Priority Notice. 20 N. Hernando County Court Hernando County Courthouse, 20 North Main Street 0. They also issue marriage licenses and passports. ECR Department – Room 1-511 550 W. Return to Hernandoclerk. Access court records online for Hernando County, Florida. The Fifth Judicial Circuit operates under the leadership of Chief Judge Daniel B. The courthouse is a brick structure, with a modern design that is enhanced with an atrium entrance containing tropical foliage. After high school, he went on to attend Hernando County Courthouse Suite 335 20 N. Office Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM Monday – Friday 352-754-4201 (Main Correspondence Location) Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller Hernando County, Florida. O. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds Hernando County, also known as Florida's Adventure Coast, is the geographic center of the state. supremecourt. 🌀 For more information on resources post Hurricane Milton Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of Elections; The Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller will be closed on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (10/8 thru 10/10) to the public. Find out the programs and services offered by the judiciary, such as civil case management, drug court, and self-help services. Phone: 352-754-4201 (Automated Attendant). Pro se motions must be filed with the Clerk of Circuit Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller. Administrative Order Establishing Circuit Court Civil Court Guidelines as to “Meet and Confer” for Judge Scaglione. Civil Practice; Family Law Practice; Injunctions; Zoom Practice; Hearing Requests. Main St. Choose from public, attorney, registered user or party access options and get user id and password assistance from the Criminal Traffic (CT) – traffic cases that are heard in county court and punishable by a jail term not to exceed one year. Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Contact Us; Quick Links. A Trial Court Administrator is appointed by the Chief Judge, subject to the concurrence of a majority of the circuit and county court judges, to oversee the non-judicial administration of the court. County Proceeding Judge/Hearing Officer Jurisdiction Virtual Courtroom Family Court packets, forms and checklists may be obtained from the Hernando County Clerk of Court’s Family Law Division website. Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of Elections; Tax Collector; Community Development Districts; Search public court records from Hernando County Court in Florida online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. The Circuit Court tries felony criminal cases and civil actions involving issues of $200,000 or more. The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. Main Office Hernando County Courthouse. Office Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM Monday – Friday 352-754-4201 (Main Correspondence Location) Court Dates; If your charge did not happen with in the city limit of Hernando Mississippi ; below is a list of courts within Desoto County Mississippi. Sumter County Courthouse. Juvenile Dependency. Felonies. Chief Judge James A. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds Hernando County Office. Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the Hernando County Government Center (Brooksville Courthouse) 20 North Main St, Room 112 Brooksville, FL 34601 Monday - Friday Phone: (352) 754-4180 Fax: (352) 754-4189 Email: Motorvehicle _BV@hernandocounty. Pasco County Court 38053 Live Oak Avenue 11. The Hernando County Courthouse Judicial Center Renovation Project Judicial Assistant – County Court (352) 754-4170: Hernando: Bowman: Katherine: Legal Services: Supervising Trial Court Staff Attorney (352) 401-6756: Marion: Coluccio: Andrea: Circuit Judges: Judicial Assistant – Circuit Court (352) 742-4224: Lake: Nagy: John: Mediation Services: Mediation Coordinator (352) 540-6568: Hernando: Mackey-Barnes: If your traffic citation was issued in Hernando County you have three options for paying (If you want to attend traffic school, don’t forget to elect school at the time you are paying): ONLINE (Click here for more information)CALL 1-888-604-7888, Reference PLC a001jt (Click here for more information)MAIL – personal check made payable to Doug Chorvat Jr. Florida Driver's License OR ID # (with no dashes): While the Hernando County Clerk’s Office has attempted to preserve the accuracy of the online version of the Official Records Index, this index is not official and the Hernando County Clerk’s Office will not be responsible for any inaccuracies that may be encountered. In order to facilitate court activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Florida State Court System is providing Judges the ability to host court proceedings via Zoom. Desoto County Court House 662-449-8000 desotocountyms. Office Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM Monday – Friday 352-754-4201 (Main Correspondence Location) Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller. Sixth Circuit Pasco County Courthouse 38053 Live Oak Avenue 11. Domestic Violence Injunctions; Forms; Citrus County; Hernando County; Lake County; Marion County; Hernando County Jeremy Moore – (352) 540-6277 Administrative Order: H-2018-47. Hernando County Courthouse 4th Floor, Room 432 20 N. The Hernando County Clerk of Court, situated in the Hernando County Government Center, is responsible for recording deeds and other documents within Hernando County, Florida. Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of Elections; Tax Collector; Community Development Districts; In compliance with Chapter 295, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code 55A-7, the Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller is committed to successfully recruiting and onboarding talented and skilled Veterans into the Clerk’s Office workforce. A divorce may be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office at 20 N. The Clerk’s Office recognizes the extensive training, experience, and The Hernando County Courthouse covered walkway under construction. 5th District Court of Appeal 6 year term. Family Law Matters. County Administrator. View > Lake County Courthouse. to 4:30 p. flcourts. After high school, he went on to attend Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the BETA Club and the National Honor Society. In February of this year, we were provided with an early look at the developments. The Circuit Clerk: Serves as clerk of the county and circuit courts; Receives and files all lawsuits, indictments, motions, and other related papers in all civil and criminal cases filed in the circuit or county courts Circuit Court Clerk. , Clerk of Court, Click here for the approved 2025 Board of County Commissioners Meeting Schedule and 2025 Holiday Calendar. Main Street Brooksville FL 34601. Certified Questions. The fee for a marriage license is $86. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. The User or Hernando County Courthouse 20 N. Careers; Intern/Extern County cases not exceeding $15,000 are mediated through the court mediation services. Subscriber Files. ATTENTION: Any self-represented party, who has filed a family law case on or after October 1, 2022, shall fill out a Designation of Current Mailing and E-mail address form . This is Read More. Phone: 662-469 The Hernando County clerk’s office has a recorded juror information line to inform jurors when or if their services will be required each day they are on call for the week specified on the summons. org Phone: 352-754-4164: Lake County. 1 miles away. The internal auditors report directly to the Clerk and Comptroller and provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the operations of County Departments and the Clerk’s Office itself. Guardianship. All matters set for hearing in front of Judge Toner are held in person in Courtroom E. Self-Help. [Hernando County Government] - Advertisement - Over the last six months, the $21 million Courthouse construction project has made significant headway. Email: lake_ecr@circuit5. Please call the juror information line at 352-754-4203 after 5:15 pm the day before Hernando County Courthouse. An official swearing-in took place earlier in the day. Users should remember that the index is merely a guide to the information Florida Supreme Court 500 Duval St; Tallahassee, FL 32399 Phone: 850-488-0125 www. List of Courts. ECR Department – Room 351 20 North Main Street Brooksville, FL 34601. They are meant to serve as a guide only. Animal Services. 00 and there is a Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller. Thank you for visiting the Hernando County, FL. Click to download Family Law Forms which may be used statewide. except, Every 3rd Wednesday the office will open @ 9:00 a. us or visit the Hernando County Government Center located at 15470 Flight Path Dr. Meet Doug Chorvat Jr. , probate cases, special litigation cases, guardianship cases Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the BETA Club and the National Honor Society. Most traffic tickets are not criminal cases. Any affected person has a right to request that a County Recorder or Clerk of the Court add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. Case Data Index – MM/CF/CT/TR Public Case Types The file is pipe delimited. 00 in the form of cash, check made payable to CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT,or credit/debit card (additional processing fee applies); Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a. 20 North Main Street Brooksville, Florida 34601 (352) 754-4402. Main Street, Brooksville at 11:00 AM ET every Tuesday and Thursday (except on legal holidays). Desoto County Circuit Court; Desoto County Chancery Court; Desoto County Detention Center 662-469-8570 Month Days Judge; January: 2-3: Barbee: January: 6-10: Hitzemann: January: 13-17: Scaglione: January: 21-24: Vergara: January: 27-31: Toner: February: 3-7: Scaglione Online registrations can be mailed or picked up at our Main Courthouse office in Brooksville. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds Hernando County Courthouse 4th Floor, Suite F, Room 444 20 N. Juvenile Delinquency. us. Home; About Us. , While the Hernando County Clerk’s Office has attempted to preserve the accuracy of the online version of the Official Records Index, this index is not official and the Hernando County Clerk’s Office will not be responsible for any inaccuracies that may be encountered. Probate. View > Marion County Judicial Center. Learn about the history of Hernando County and its courthouse, which dates from 1913 and is a historic landmark. org. With a click of your mouse, you have around-the-clock access to our government news and information. m. After high school, he went on to attend The Clerk’s Office is responsible for conducting foreclosure sales in accordance with Chapter 45, F. Hernando County Courthouse. Show/Hide. Some Appeals from County Court. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Judge about any case. Fuller, Trial Court Administrator. Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the BETA Club and the National Honor Society. Fingerprints, photographs and related services will all be available to process new applications and renewals. Users should remember that the index is merely a guide to the information In accordance with the State Courts’ Personnel Regulation 4. County Court Services Offered. , Room 165, Brooksville, FL 34601. Registries – Fifth Judicial Circuit Court Approved; Virtual Hearings; Administrative Orders; Self-Help. The Hernando Law Library is located in room 35 of the Hernando County Governmental Building located at 20 N. com initiative. UniCourt gives you access to Florida trial court records County Courts may handle non-capital felony cases transferred from Circuit Court. Main Street P. The line item details are described as follows. 110 NW First Hernando. Court System Type: environmental cases, small claims cases, municipal court cases. 550 West Main Street Tavares, Florida 32778 (352) 253-1600. Main Street Brooksville, FL 34601 *NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC:* The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Judges of the Fifth Judicial Circuit to discuss pending cases with the public. Civil Cases . Directions The circuit is comprised of Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion, and Sumter Counties, with main administrative offices in Ocala. Office of Doug Chorvat Jr. Hernando County, FL Board of County Commission; Building Division; Code Enforcement; Cooperative Extension Service; County Attorney; Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of Hernando County Courthouse, 20 North Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601 Hernando County. MEDIA RELEASE April 19, 2022. 0 mile away. , with the first Tuesday reserved for workshops, as needed. Main Street Brooksville, FL 34601 (352) 754-4201. in The Hernando County Property Appraiser's office will not be held liable as to the validity, correctness, accuracy, completeness, and/or reliability of this data (which includes maps). Staff Assistant I (Marion County Problem Solving Court) SALARY: $ 15. After high school, he went on to attend Hernando County Tax Collector, providing Tax Collection services for Hernando County. Cases frequently settle out of court before their trial date. room 112: 7489 Forest Oaks Blvd. Box 7800 Tavares, FL 32778. Hearing Requests. Circuit Court Services Offered. Hernando County Government recently experienced an interruption of the county-wide IT network. The new and historic Hernando County Courthouses are connected and have a four sided clock between the two buildings. us Driverlicense _BV@hernandocounty. About Us. Year Built: 1988 Architectural Style: Contemporary In an afternoon ceremony, Victor D. This location offers the following limited services: Payment of all Criminal and Traffic Cases; Recording and copies of Official Records While the Hernando County Clerk’s Office has attempted to preserve the accuracy of the online version of the Official Records Index, this index is not official and the Hernando County Clerk’s Office will not be responsible for any inaccuracies that may be encountered. Sales are held immediately outside of Room 245 of the Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. Jury Service Search To search for your jury service status please fill out the form below. The websites listed here provide resources to filers in regard to the offices of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Florida Supreme Court, and The Florida Bar. org Phone: 352-253-1612: Marion Hernando County Government 15470 Flight Path Dr. Merritt, Jr. Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller. us www. Brooksville Courthouse – 20 N Main St Room 112, Brooksville FL 34601 Spring Hill Office – 7489 Forest Oaks Blvd Spring Hill FL 34606 Out of State Title & Driver License transfer (combined appointment offering both services): In all counties resources are available online or at the local clerk’s office. The Court does not allow for participatory appearances by telephone or by Zoom unless a specific reason exists. Office Hours: 8:00 a. There is a $2. Roberts – (352) 742-4221 Hernando County, also known as Florida's Adventure Coast, is the geographic center of the state. 110 NW First Avenue Ocala, Florida 34475 (352) 401-6700. Brooksville, FL 34601: Spring Hill, FL 34606* Court Reporting; Court Technology; Guardians Approved Trainers Registry; Interpreting Services; Registries – Fifth Judicial Circuit Court Approved; Virtual Hearings; Administrative Orders; Self-Help. You also have access to online services to transact business with all participating counties. Lake County Courthouse. Lake County Brandon J. HernandoCounty. Main St, Rm 362, Brooksville, FL 34601, between the hours of 8:30 a. County Court judges may issue search warrants, set bond, and preside over preliminary hearings. The Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 9 a. Physical Address View Map 2535 Highway 51 S 2nd Floor Hernando, MS 38632. Hernando County, FL Concealed Weapon License renewals at our main office at the Brooksville Courthouse. Citrus, Hernando, Lake and Marion Counties also have self-help offices to assist. 2535 Highway 51 S Hernando, MS 38632; Phone: 662-469-8314; Honorable Celeste Wilson. The Hernando County Courthouse was built in 1988. The Board of County Commissioners is the chief legislative body in Hernando County. PLEASE NOTE that this information is NOT intended to be used as an authoritative public record or as a legal document and shall have no legal force or effect. FOR PROCEDURAL QUESTIONS: bhaimes@circuit5. Main Street Brooksville, FL 34601. Click here to visit the traffic These packages are designed to help persons seeking to represent themselves in court without the assistance of an attorney. Case Data. Courthouse Office Effective 2/13/2023 Spring Hill Branch Office: 20 N Main St. , Room 400 Brooksville, FL 34601 Phone: (352) 754-4255 Office of the State Attorney Sumter County Courthouse 215 East McCollum Avenue, Suite 102 Bushnell, FL 33513 Phone: (352) 569-6650 Fax: (352) 569-6651 Facebook-f Instagram X Audit Services is an independent appraisal function within the office of the Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller. Sheriff's Office Hernando County Government is renovating the Judicial Center with upgrades to the courthouse building, including expanding courtrooms, enhancing security, creating a brand-new entrance and lobby, and enhancements to parking including seven ADA parking spaces. October 3, 2024 HERNANDO COUNTY CLERK OF COURT OFFICE CLOSURE (Brooksville, FL) – The Hernando County Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office will be closed on Thursday In order to access the Online Court Records Search for a County, you must first select the appropriate County. 00 – $ The Hernando County, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. . Additional forms which are used in the Fifth Circuit (unless noted for a specific county): OPS Trial Court Staff Attorney (Hernando County) SALARY: $30. Office of the State Attorney Hernando County Courthouse 20 North Main St. - 4:30 p. Do we have to file a divorce in the county Hernando County, FL Board of County Commission; Building Division; Code Enforcement; Cooperative Extension Service; County Attorney; Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of The Hernando County Clerk of Court presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. Standing Orders. Address: 7405 Forest Oaks Boulevard, Spring Hill FL 34606 (in the Forest Oaks Government Center). The Hernando County Clerk of Court makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliablility of the content at this site or at Main Office 20 N. , in Brooksville. Board of Supervisors. Email: hernando_ecr@circuit5. Upon learning of this interruption, the Hernando County Clerk Information Technology Incident Response Team (IRT) was deployed and immediately began working with third-party computer specialists to investigate the nature and scope of the incident Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller Hernando County, Florida. THIS PROPOSED ORDINANCE may be inspected by the public in the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Hernando County Courthouse, 20 N. In Hernando County, we personally meet with and assist pro se parties in dissolution of marriage and (non-DOR) paternity/time-sharing cases to review their Court files to be sure that the appropriate initial Born and raised in Hernando County, Doug graduated from Hernando High School in 1995 with High Honors, where he was a member of the BETA Club and the National Honor Society. MAIN MENU MAIN MENU. Hearing request must be made via email. 07, the following are designated holidays for the Judges, Judicial Assistants and Court Administration State employees in the Fifth Judicial Circuit for the calendar year 2025: The Hernando County Adult Drug Court Program is a court supervised intensive and highly structured program consisting of both comprehensive out-patient treatment and case management supervision for non-violent offenders. We are pleased to be part of the MyFloridaCounty. Hernando County, Florida. S. If there are excess (“surplus”) funds after the sale, the Clerk will hold those funds for one year. us: Airport Main Office 20 N. Edwards - 2028 Hernando County OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604 PHONE: (352) 754-4125 FAX: (352) 754-4425 EMAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday The County Clerk of Court shall not be held liable for use of ANY information contained on this website, which is provided as a public service for informational purposes. 95 convenience fee applied during checkout. Crist took the Oath as Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller for Hillsborough County, FL. Marion County Judicial Center. Please use the following email address to request a hearing date: The Hernando County Courthouse, built in 1913, is an historic courthouse building located in Brooksville, Florida, It was designed by Atlanta-based architect William Augustus Edwards who designed one other courthouse in Florida, two in Georgia and nine in South Carolina as well as academic buildings at 12 institutions in Florida, Georgia and Hernando County, FL The Tax Collector's office offers driver license services at the Courthouse and Spring Hill branch office. If you have any questions regarding public records or your request, please call (352) 754-5875, email PublicInformation@HernandoCounty. *Note : Have your renewal notice and your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) ready. Clerk of Circuit Court; Health Department; Property Appraiser; Public Defender's Office; Schools - Public; Sheriff; Supervisor of Elections; Tax Collector + Hernando County Government Main Line (352) 754-4000: Department Phone Email; Administrator (352) 754-4002: Administration@HernandoCounty. A user id and password is required. com. The office is Main Office 20 N. After high school, he went on to attend To obtain a marriage license both parties must be 18 years of age or older, must complete a marriage application (Marriage License Kiosk link below to receive your Transaction Number) and then both visit the Clerk of Court Office with proof of your age, and identification in the form of a driver’s license, state ID, or passport. Forms that have been approved for statewide use are located within the Florida Small Claims Rules and on the Hernando County Clerk’s website. If you believe that you are entitled to a portion of those funds because of a subordinate lien on the property or because you are the former property owner, you must submit an Affidavit of Claim to the Clerk’s Office at Hernando County Clerk, Recording/Tax Deed Division, Room 161, 20 The Administrative Office of the Courts supports the Fifth Judicial Circuit through its various personnel and programs. Cases exceeding $15000 must be mediated by private mediation. Phone: 662-469-8359; Amy Young, Administrator. smxooe tpa pdjv nbasw ofyscudw xpkesn lnuxox xuxj adfbvd uxsiimi fhwjd letksn mkvy yrty hbxy