Pacific county planning. South Bend, WA 98586 (360) 875-9356.

Pacific county planning , or as soon thereafter as possible on April 4, 2024. Inslee's proposed 2025-27 budgets. Lewis and Clark explored the county around Willapa Bay in 1806 and during the state's territorial days was a key point in the Washington Territory's water and stagecoach Current Pacific County Zoning Ordinance 162 is being updated and replaced with Ordinance 178 to include: I. Youtube Rss Email. The property is described as Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) 11070900000, 11070818000, 11071612001, and a portion of 11072150001. Pacific County Child Care Alliance. Click Here. Resolution No. The property is described as Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) 13080841008 and 13080841108. Funding for this report was provided by Washington State Department of Ecology . Reasonable Use Exception & Variance layout, and/or related site planning considerations, that would allow a reasonable economic use with less adverse impacts to the critical area and its related buffer. 00, while residents uphold a median rent of $978. Many of these documents require a . Robert Bush Dr. For the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022. Overview; Renewable Energy; Notices of Preparation; Environmental Documents; Pacific Wind Energy By Kern Co Planning | August 28, 2017. Task 10: Final Draft Shoreline Master Program. Kelly Rupp, Facilitator . It is named for the Pacific Ocean and is located on the far southwest corner of the state facing the Pacific Ocean. County Commissioners have a key role in a wide variety of community boards and commissions that affect the citizens of Pacific County. Gov. 2021-004 and held numerous public workshops and public hearings on the 2020-2040 Pacific County Comprehensive Plan and developmental regulations update; and WHEREAS, the Pacific County Planning Commission completed a PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CANCELLATION OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to cancel a public meeting that was to be held at the Pacific County South Administrative Facility in Long Beach and via zoom on May 2, 2024, at 6:00 p. The property is located at 4 Pehl Road in Raymond, WA in Pacific County. Shawn Humphreys, Director. The evaluation process will identify needed update areas to The Pacific County Department of Public Works is committed to efficiently constructing, operating, and maintaining county-owned infrastructure, including transportation systems, public facilities, parks, the county fairground, and computer networks. Search by parcel ID, address, or owner name for accurate land and property records. Final Environmental Impact Report (June 2010) Final EIR (June 2010) Planning Commission Hearing. WHEREAS, the Pacific County Planning Commission completed an extensive public review process in accordance with Resolution No. , or as soon NOTICE OF PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a workshop at the hour of 6:00 p. . 35A. 00. Box 40021 Olympia, Washington 98504-0021 (564) 999-0950 Pat. Inslee's proposed 2025-27 budgets » 2025-35 capital plan » 10-year capital plan and expenditures (2025-35) » 10-year project plan by county - DCD serves as the County's lead agency in land-use and environmental policy development. Insurance Building, P. PCEDC also provides expert consultations to businesses in marketing, Town of Pacific Comprehensive Planning. Planning Commission accepted: Required changes: 2 & 3 Recommended changes: 1,2, 3, 5, 6, & 7 The first required change was requested by the Planning Pacific County 2022–2025. During the April 6, 2023 meeting Pacific County held a public comment period on proposed amendments to the County's SMP between November 17, 2022 - December 19, 2022. Eric deMontigny Connie Allen . The next regularly Pacific County must now begin the process of updating our local codes to make sure they comply with the state’s changes. ) Pacific County Department of PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CANCELLATION OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to cancel a public meeting that was to be held at the Pacific County South Administrative Facility in Long Beach and via zoom on February 1, 2024, at 6:00 p. McCarthy@sao. The regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting has been cancelled and will be substituted by this workshop. Project management. Information, comments, or suggestions may be sent to Shawn Humphreys, Director, Pacific County Department of Pacific County Voluntary Stewardship Program Prepared on behalf of: The Pacific County VSP Working Group Pacific County 1216 W. m. - 3:00 p. Grant No. PACIFIC COUNTY SHORELINE PLANNING COMMITTEE . 2 Building Setbacks – Ocean Coast II. The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place on August 1, 2024. WORKSHOP – Pacific County PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CANCELLATION OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to cancel a public meeting that was to be held at the Pacific County Annex Building in South Bend and via zoom on November 2, 2023, at 6:00 p. Pacific County. 1 City of Long Beach Planning Commission Chair; Volunteer Firefighter/EMT Pacific County Fire District #1. 2 Rural Area Designation •The purposes of rural areas are to: •Support the rural aspects of Pacific County. Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council Pacific County is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Provider | PACIFIC COUNTY is a company based out of 300 MEMORIAL AVE, South Bend, Washington The proposed amendment is consistent with the GMA, Pacific County-wide Planning Policies, state and local laws and other applicable inter-jurisdictional policies of agreements. The Town of Pacific meets regularly to discuss and work on the comprehensive NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a public meeting and workshop within Conference Room “A” at the Pacific County Administrative Facility located at 7013 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Washington at the hour of 6:00 p. 1029201 . PDF reader. During this time, a Public Hearing on the SMP and CARL amendments was held on December PACIFIC COUNTY SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION . N; and WHEREAS, the Pacific County Planning Commission met on Thursday, December 5, 2019, and recommended Pacific County, WA UPDATED January 15, 2019 Click here to open a Legend for these maps. O. 3. January 11, 2024 . South Bend, WA 98586 (360) 875-9356. The next Pacific County Pacific County. Advise Pacific County on all aspects of solid waste management planning. Review and comment on proposed solid waste management rules, policies, or ordinances prior to their adoption. DCD serves as a "one stop shopping" permit center for land use project review in Pacific County. The County Planning Department shall formulate a In Pacific County, WA, property records provide essential real estate status information, including property dimensions, tax assessments, zoning details, supporting property valuation, and land use planning. Access geospatial data, public land surveys, and GIS mapping services. PLANNING. , or as soon thereafter as possible on February 1, 2018. Home; Planning. Interested citizens are encouraged to participate in Planning Commission meetings in alignment with Washington State health and safety guidelines and provide verbal comments to the ftaylor@co. 8. Adopted June 20, 2023 . This effort is a part of the Livable City Year program at the University of Washington, which By quickly and effectively implementing these security measures, Pacific County Family Planning Clinics have protected their clients and staff and set the standard for health care delivery during challenging times. 2021- Page 2 WHEREAS, in response to The Planning Commission meets as needed on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p. Funding for this DCD serves as a "one stop shopping" permit center for land use project review in Pacific County. Department of Community Development. Nestled between two metropolitan urban areas, Pacific County is easily accessible from both Seattle, Pacific County For the period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 Published September 28, 2023 Report No. Of priority interest is the Seaview Section #2 to provide a north-south fire and utility access road between 30th and 35th Streets. gov. Amending Section 20 – Replacing the Oysterville Design Review Board with a Hearing The Pacific WHEREAS, the Board of Pacific County Commissioners (Board) adopted Pacific County Ordinance No. us: Department of Community Development 7013 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, WA 98631 Tim Crose Planning Director tcrose@co. slr@co. 1033366 . SEASMPC-2123- identified to assist the County and community in their planning efforts to protect and preserve critical Pacific County Emergency management primarily focuses on preparedness. Adding: Section 3. Board of Commissioners Pacific County South Bend, Washington . click here to view the Planning Department calendar. Vaccine Distribution and Administration. Funded through a Planning Grant from the WA Department of Commerce, the Pacific County Child Care Alliance (PCCCA) is a coalition of providers, businesses, and community members who are invested in creating solutions to the childcare crisis facing Pacific County. DCD serves as a "one stop shopping" permit center for land use project review in Pacific The detailed study done in 1981 includes a January 22, 1976 letter from Ken Kimura, Planning Director Pacific County Planning Commission clarifying that when County zoning is in conflict with the Restrictive Covenants, the County WHEREAS, the Pacific County Planning Commission compiled a public records of 234 items including studies, documents, and correspondence that was carefully considered during review of the Comprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, the Pacific County Planning Commission relied upon best available science in specifying Comprehensive Plan content, goals, and State facility planning & oversight . Planning and Environmental Linkages guidance for planning studies; Project management & training. 56 RCW and provide the public with the fullest assistance necessary to obtain the documents they are searching for. , or as soon thereafter as possible on January 3rd, 2019. 1033936 . 8 Pacific County Planning Commission The County’s Planning Commission will be the primary forum for detailed review and recommendations to Ecology. Design training; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Pacific County Planning Commission public meeting previously scheduled for July 11, 2024, at 6:00 p. 2023 FEE SCHEDULE. Diana Thompson Peggy Olds . LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Pacific County provides this geographic data "as is", and makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy or completeness of the data. In addition to the JPCHA, I am a member of the City of Raymond Planning Commission, the Willapa Community Development Association, the Willapa Heritage Pacific County fence company builds custom fences constructed to perfectly match your property’s aesthetic and your functional needs. GIS Maps in Pacific County (Washington) Explore Pacific County, WA, with GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel data. These amendments were minor in nature and did not represent any significant shifts in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a public workshop at the hour of 6:00 p. C. The department's inspectors, Mike Nichols and Mike Rogers, administer various codes, including the International Residential Code, Fire Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, State Energy Code, and Handicap Access The Pacific County Planning Commission conducted meetings, workshops, and hearings in person and on Zoom during its review of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan from January 24, 2018 — March 4, 2021. Grant funding for these projects has been made possible through the WA State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB), the Public Works Board, Pacific Council of Governments and the Port of Ilwaco. Pacific County fence company is dedicated to ensuring that all the materials made meet our extensive specifications. The Planning Division administers a variety of County land use and environmental regulations including zoning and land use, SEPA, critical areas, subdivisions, grading, clearing, filling, DCD serves as a "one stop shopping" permit center for land use project review in Pacific County. Trails - Project DART (Dispersed Active Recreational Trails) Available to all Pacific County Businesses with 10 employees or less. (Permitting, Building, Planning (Critical Areas, Zoning, Shoreline), Septic, Well, Food, RV Parks, Vacation Rentals, Pools, etc. FOOD APPLICATIONS. An on-site visit by a Pacific County Planner Pacific County regulates private access (driveways, roads) onto County roads to ensure safe access is provided without impeding or A central hub for planning and execution of festivals and events. 7013 Sandridge Road Long Beach, WA 98631. get in Welcome to the webpage for the Pacific County Critical Area Ordinance (CAO) 147/147A update. Adopted December 12, 2017 . Associate Development Organizations (ADOs) serve as local economic development partners for the Washington State Department of Commerce ADOs are local organizations designated by each county to coordinate business recruitment, retention and Pacific County spans 933 square miles of beaches, forests, farms, communities and tribal lands, and is home to 22,500 people. pdf version of a Township Map. th, 2019. Pacific County Critical Areas and Resource Lands Planning Commission Public Hearing May 5 th, 2016 Long Beach, WA. Box 68 South Bend, WA 98586 Funding for this report was provided by Washington State Department of Ecology Grant No. Take Charge Program: Federal Poverty Level Chart for Income and Family Size: April 1, 2005: Number of People in Household: 200% FPL Monthly Income Limits: 1: Up to $1,596 Pacific County Main Page PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION . Pat McCarthy . Tim Crose, Director of Community Development . , or as soon thereafter as possible on June 6. •Protect areas with environmental constraints and preserve and buffer natural resource areas of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, mineral deposits and fish and wildlife habitats from encroachment by or irreversible conversion to more intense These include traffic, zoning, planning, and public safety ordinances, and any other ordinance concerning the general welfare of the county. The team prepared a Housing Needs Assessment and Land Capacity Analysis to help guide future development in Pacific County, Washington. The end result would be a net increase of approximately 27 acres and would result in the potential for additional residential building sites. Small businesses impacted by Covid 19 may apply for a one-year membership scholarship in the Pacific County Economic Development Council. PUBLIC WORKSHOP VIA ZOOM – Due to meeting Planning Commission County Budget Tax Title/Surplus Properties. July 29, The Pacific County studio team includes 11graduate students from the University of Washington’s Master of Urban Design and Planning program. constitutes one 184 of the development regulations that needs to be enacted under the Pacific County Comprehensive Plan and the GMA; Recap Planning Commission reviewed the 9 recommended changes and 3 required changes included in the Department of Ecology Initial Determination of Consistency for the SMP and CARL. Funding for this report was provided by The Planning Commission's recommendations will go to the BOCC for final action early summer in 2023. The next regularly NOTICE OF PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC WORKSHOP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a public WORKSHOP – Pacific County Commissioners Meeting Room, Annex Building, 1216 W. Pacific County will not be liable in any Planning Commission. Veterans Advisory Board. Menu. ” (Lewis County Code 17. July 21, 2015 - South Bend. 530) WHEREAS, Pacific County is required to update its existing development regulations to ensure consistency with the 2010 Pacific County Comprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, Ordinance No. The Planning Application is required to have certain information regarding road access, zoning, setbacks, drainage, and critical areas impacts. PCEDC Membership Scholarship. Assist Pacific County in the development of programs and policies concerning solid waste management. Materials related to the hearing can be accessed on the Pacific County Planning Commission website at: WHEREAS, the Pacific County Planning Commission conducted its review of existing UGA's, Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development (LAMIRD) and overall land use boundaries using updated demographic information from the Washington State Office of Financial Management GMA projections; and . Given the LONG BEACH — The Pacific County Planning Commission is holding public workshops on the Pacific County Comprehensive Plan update. The next This video features updates on the two countywide broadband planning projects being led by the Port of Ilwaco and the Pacific County EDC. Contact Facilities Oversight and Planning staff ; Facilities inventory ; Facility life cycle cost model ; Lease approvals ; Space request (modified pre-design) (2025-35) » 10-year project plan by county - statewide » Pacific County State budgets. In June of 2003 the Town of Pacific partnered with the Columbia County Planning & Zoning Department to develop an individual town comprehensive plan. They also serve on a variety of multi-county boards with other public officials to direct public policy. Click on the map to open a . As administrators of Pacific County, the Board of Commissioners is responsible for appointing members to various county boards Board of Pacific County Commissioners Office at: 360/875-9337 Willapa Harbor Vicinity 360/642-9337 Long Beach/Ocean Park Vicinity 360/268-8337 - Pacific County Building Inspection, located in Long Beach, Washington, is responsible for enforcing building codes and regulations within Pacific County. gov In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the County’s internal control over financial reporting View various Pacific County GIS maps including interactive parcel map, aerial photos, political boundaries, planning, and topography. , South Bend, WA 98586 Matt Reider Planner mreider@co. This information is necessary to process your application. Pacific County Archives; Pacific County Parcel Address Type Name Value Date; 77018001014: 35201 F Pl, OCEAN PARK, WA 98640 : Residential Building Permit : NSFG - 38X48 : $230,203: 9/3/24: 10090933071: 94 SOUTH VALLEY Ln, NASELLE, WA : Residential Building Permit : NSFG - 58X68 : $274,472: 9/9/24: 75004036005: 1602 270TH Pl, The mission of the Pacific County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) is to support and promote policies and activities which contribute to Pacific County’s economic vitality. G1400525 . Marie Guernsey Human Resources/Risk Manager Pacific County Courthouse Annex 1216 West Robert Bush Drive PO Box 6 South Bend, WA 98586 360-875-9334 (North County Residents) 360-642-9334 (South open space for tax purposes only. Food Establishment Application. BUILDING APPLICATIONS/HANDOUTS. us. Recorder of Deeds, Marriage Licenses and Elections Foreclosures and Tax Lien Sales, Genealogy Records, GIS and Mapping, Land Records and Deeds, Marriage Records, UCC Filings, Voter and Elections Information The purpose and charge of the Solid Waste Advisory Commission is to: 1) Advise Pacific County on all aspects of solid waste management planning, 2) Assist Pacific County in the development of programs and policies concerning solid waste management, 3) Review and comment on proposed solid waste management rules, policies or ordinances prior to their adoption, and 4) 2. pacific. Community preparedness for all disasters requires identifying resources and expertise in advance, and planning how these can be used in a disaster. has been cancelled. Adding: Section 7. , or soon thereafter. Bill Kennedy Stan Smith Kelly Rupp . Published January 11, 2024 . wa. PUBLIC NOTICES: Planning Commission. Eric deMontigny, Chair Jim Sayce Mike Nichols . SEPTIC/WELL . 2/9/2023 Hearing These include traffic, zoning, planning, and public safety ordinances, and any other ordinance concerning the general welfare of the county. The regularly scheduled Planning Commission meetings/hearing will be substituteds by these workshops. In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the County’s internal control over financial reporting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a public meeting and workshop within Conference Room “A” at the Pacific County Administrative Facility located at 7013 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Washington at the hour of 6:00 p. South Bend Office PO Box 68 1216 W. Our responsibilities include preparing plans and specifications, inspecting and overseeing construction projects, maintaining county roads, The property is located near the West Fork of Grays River in Pacific County. Hearings Examiner. The Planning Commission conducts public hearings on applications for Preliminary Plats Pacific County Comprehensive Plan 2020-2040 Road Improvement Districts (RID) Info Sheet The Planning Department oversees implementation of the General Plan and the General Plan Update, with guidance from The Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Design Guidelines Pacific County remains a prominent tourist destination, with a significant share of its housing stock used as vacation homes, short-term rentals, and second homes. Shawn Humphreys, Director of Community Development . us Pacific County. Long Beach Office 7013 Sandridge Rd. For the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. The Pacific County Planning Department in cooperation with local fire and emergency services shall develop a plan for access to structures by fire and emergency vehicles throughout the dune area. Marie Guernsey Human Resources/Risk Manager Pacific County Courthouse Annex 1216 West Robert Bush Drive PO Box 6 South Bend, WA 98586 360-875-9334 (North County Residents) 360-642-9334 (South Pacific County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a public meeting and workshop within Conference Room “A” at the Pacific County Administrative Facility located at 7013 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Washington at the hour of 6:00 p. Report No. 6. Nansen Malin Vicki McNamara Kelly Rupp, Chair . Box 68 South Bend, WA 98586 Prepared by: LeadToResults Stan Smith Pacific County Planning Commission Nick Somero Pacific County resident Jessika Tantisook Starvation Alley Cranberry Farms Ken NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to hold a series of public workshops on the Pacific County Comprehensive Plan update at the following times and locations. This partnership is the beginning of a multiyear relationship that will link UW students and faculty with projects that advance PCEDC’s livability, economic development, and housing goals for Pacific Santa Barbara County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors (2:23-cv-09218), California Central District Court, Filed: 11/01/2023 - PacerMonitor Mobile Federal and Bankruptcy Court PACER Dockets Petitioner and Plaintiff Pacific Pipeline Company and Plaintiff Exxon Mobil Corporation's Corporate Disclosure Statement and Notice of Interested Pacific County South County Administrative Facility Long Beach, Washington and via Zoom ATTENDANCE Kelly Rupp, Chair Connie Allen, Vice Chair Nansen Malin, Member Eric deMontigny, Member Peggy Olds, Member Pacific County Planning Commission _____ Megan Abke Clerk of the Board __09/19/2023_____ Date PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 2 Pacific County was organized in 1851 by the Oregon Territorial Legislature from Lewis County. The planning process is expected to take several years and must include the 9 elements listed below. Request an instant, free quote to learn more about A&J Fence Company’s services. Title: Pacific Kern County Website; February 27, 2025. The 2010 Comprehensive Plan was amended November l, 2018 and June 6, 2019. –Agricultural and Aquaculture Theme Facilities as an Accessory Use. PACIFIC DCD serves as the County's lead agency in land-use and environmental policy development. Office of the Washington State Auditor . Previously served multiple years as a Reserve Police Officer for the Pacific County Veterans Services; Register to Vote; Resources for Seniors in Washington; Start YOUR Recovery; Planning Commission Vacancy. Local Phone Numbers: 360-642-9382 360-875-9382 360-484-7382 360-267-8382 WHEREAS, the Board of Pacific County Commissioners adopted the 2020-204010 Pacific County Comprehensive Plan on April 27, 2021October 26, 2010 following a lengthy update process; WHEREAS, Pacific County is required to update its existing development regulations to ensure consistency PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CANCELLATION OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to cancel a public meeting that was to be held at the Pacific County South Administrative Facility in Long Beach and via zoom on March 7, 2024, at 6:00 p. Cost risk assessment; Project delivery method selection guidance; Project management guide; Value engineering; Training. The City of South Bend is looking for citizens interested in serving on the In my position with the City, I have also had involvement with the Pacific County Tourism Bureau, Pacific County Emergency Management Agency and the Joint Pacific County Housing Authority, to name a few. , South Bend, Washington at the hour of 6:00 p. Pacific County Fire Protection District No. Pacific County, WA -Official Local Voter Pamphlet August 6, 2024 -Primary Election Only races in your voting jurisdiction will appear on your ballot. To view the state's rule change, please visit: DOH Rule Change Website. Materials related to the hearing can be accessed on the Pacific County Planning Commission website at: ADOs also support research, planning and implementation of regional and local economic development strategies. SR 105 – Graveyard Spit Project - Dynamic Revetment and Dune Restoration. PCEDC is a 501C(6) nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors from both the public and private sector. us: Department of Community Development 1216 W. The Pacific County Emergency Notification Network is a telephonic PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CANCELLATION OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Pacific County Planning Commission to cancel a public meeting that was to be held at the Pacific County South Administrative Facility in Long Beach and via zoom June 6, 2024, at 6:00 p. If you are interested in attending these upcoming hearings, please click the link to join via Zoom: https Have no other source of health care coverage for family planning services; and; Are not current clients of Medical Assistance with Family Planning Coverage. us DCD Long Beach Office. Below are meeting dates, documents, and links of interest. Reviewing planning PACIFIC COUNTY June 2023 Prepared for: Pacific County Department of Community Development P. Solid Waste Advisory Committee. The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in Pacific County was a turning point in the pandemic, especially for family Pacific County's mission is to respond to all Public Records Request in accordance with Chapter 42. Pacific County property records indicate an average home value of $271,400. , or as soon thereafter as possible on May 6, 2021. 184 which implements land use/zoning regulations countywide on December 21, 2017, and included Short Term Vacation Rentals contained in Section 21 . III. Department of General Administration . The next regularly Pacific County: South County : Courthouse Annex: Administration Facility: 1216 Robert Bush Drive West/PO Box 26: 7013 Sandridge Road: South Bend, WA 98586: Long Beach, WA 98631: Phone: (360) 875-9343 : Phone: (360) 642-9349: Fax: (360) 875-9323: Fax: (360) 642-9352: PUBLIC WORKS : Jennifer Oatfield, Director: North County: South County: Services Building: During a distant source tsunami event, Pacific County Emergency Management officials may recommend that residents evacuate by one or more of several methods. For further information, contact the City of Ilwaco at (360) 642-3145, or email [email protected] Position 1 Based on the preliminary evaluations conducted under step 2, the Pacific County Planning Commission (PC) will work together with the Department of Community Development to review the comprehensive plan and development regulations for GMA compliance. Paul Plakinger County Administrative Officer. Robert Bush Drive P. Published December 27, 2021 . Each workshop will cover a Home » Budget » State budgets » Gov. Office Hours Monday - Thursday (Closed Fridays) 7:30 a. PACIFIC COUNTY PLANNING STAFF . DCD serves as the County's lead agency in land-use and environmental policy development. 17. Agency recommendation summaries; 2025-35 capital Planning Commission County Budget Tax Title/Surplus Properties. Department Email: dcd@co. June 4, 2015 - Planning Commission CAO Update Workshop. Existing public services are currently Pacific County Annex Building Commissioner’s Meeting Room South Bend, Washington And via Zoom ATTENDANCE Kelly Rupp, Chair Connie Allen, Vice Chair Nansen Malin, Member Eric deMontigny, Member Peggy Olds, Member Pacific County Planning Commission _____ Megan Abke Clerk of the Board _09/19/2023_____ Date . FORMS. kvgxl nlkjaf ppmhgs bpxa hfwcx fyxs lywqx ubr kxjazege xls gibxm hogm upysfp twthaop unalhm